Lisa DeSelm


Part of the research I’ve done for my YA series has been to gather quotes about moths. I was assembling and creating a mythology for the kingdom of Truewyth, that centers around moths and how they contain generations of stories and secrets about the kingdom’s people, written into their wings. I often enjoy reading novels

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My fave reads from 2014…

I’ve usually got about 4-6 books going on my Kindle at any one time. During a good week, I can read 3-4 books. My friends have asked me, “How do you have time to write?” Well, so far, when I’m writing a book, I just replace some of my reading time with writing time in the

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Why I started writing

If you’re reading this post, you must be really bored. Or really curious. Hey, I get it. I often get lost in a Pinterest spiral that has me looking up mac and cheese recipes and ends with me reading about how someone lost 40 pounds on the grapefruit cleanse. Needless to say, I’m uncertain that

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