Thanks to a steady childhood diet of fairytales, Lisa still dreams of running away to the woods to live amongst the fairy folk in her own enchanted bower. Until then, she happily lives with her husband and two daughters in the wilds of suburban South Bend, Indiana. When she’s not writing, you’ll find her working as an art director and designer, most likely daydreaming with a cup of tea in hand.
I’m also a wannabe foodie, love to get a new stamp on my passport (I am a third-culture-kid after all), and still re-read some of my favorite books from childhood every year. (If you look closely, the words of Laura Ingalls Wilder and L.M. Montgomery are tattooed on my soul.) Tea and chocolate are my love language.
My debut THE PUPPETMASTER’S APPRENTICE was released October 13, 2020 from Page Street.
I‘m represented by Laura Crockett from TriadaUS.
For inquiries about film, please contact Uwe Stender at TriadaUS.
For publicity and galley requests, please contact Lauren Cepero at Page Street.
Want to learn more?
Heads Up: Sorry, but I don’t engage in private correspondence with, or respond to DMs from readers. As a mom, and someone who writes primarily for young adults, I’m not comfortable having private conversations with them. Instead, come say hi on my Twitter or Instagram main feeds or follow me on Facebook. I’ll respond whenever I get the chance to pull my nose out of a book!